At Drayton Christian School we are a family. If there ever comes a time where fees become a barrier to your child’s participation in our programs, please let us know. We will do our best to partner with you to find a solution.
Program Fees
Grade 1-8 Christian Education Fee $130.00
Kindergarten Christian Education Fee $80.00
Full Time Kindergarten $275.00/Month
Pre-Kindergarten Program $100.00/Month
Extracurricular Fees
(Subject to Change)
Jr. High Options (Foods, Construction etc) $10-30 per Option
Grade 4-9 Archery Club $20.00
NASP Provincials $35.00
NASP Nationals $35.00
Local Archery Tournament $15.00
JH Basketball Team $50.00
JH Volleyball Team $30.00
JH Badminton Team $5.00
Running Club $12.00
Rocky Mountain House Track & Field $20.00
Kindergarten to Grade 6 Swimming $45.00
Field Trips
(Subject to Change)
Kindergarten to Grade 9 Learning Excursions $30.00
Junior High Retreat $50.00
Grade 6 Camp $100.00
Art Option Field Trip (Optional) $30.00
Outdoor Education Field Trip (Optional) $30.00
Hockey Hooky Grade 6-8 $10.00
Yearbook $21.00
Recorders $7.00